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The extremely rich range of published works by Professor Ivo Jajić represents a significant breakthrough and an important step forward in the medical profession of rheumatology and physical medicine in Croatia and the world. He published 700 works, of which 600 were papers and 100 books (monographs, manuals, textbooks) and chapters in books in the field of rheumatology and physical medicine, of which about 40 were manuals published by the Croatian League against Rheumatism intended for patients. The list of publications is available in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI).

A) An exceptional prolific author, whose papers had a noticeable impact on the
     professional and scientific community (12)

The number of citations of his published papers in the Web of Science All Databases report dated June 10, 2020, amounts to 3,294 citations, h-index 25. At the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, he was one of the most cited authors in the 1980s.

Citation of his published papers and in 2020 indicates a continuous contribution to the development of rheumatology:

radiological changes in the sacro-iliac joints ivo jajic

1. Jajić I.  Radiological Changes in the Sacro-iliac Jointsand Spine of

   Patients with   Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis. Ann Rheum Dis 1968;

   27:1, cited 53 times

2. Jajić I, Kaštelan A, Brnobić A, Kerhin V, Brkljačić Lj. 

    HLA Antigens in Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis. Arch Derm 1977;

    113 (12):1724

3. Jajić I. Gout in the spine and sacroiliac joints: radiological   

    manifestations.  Skeletal Radiology 1982; 8:209

4. Jajić Z, Jajić I, Jajić I.  HLA-B27 antigen and rheumatoid arthritis.

     Acta med Iug 1991; 45:195-202

5.  Matucci-Cerinić M. Lotti T, Jajić I, et al. The clinical spectrum of

     pachydermoperiostosis (primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy).

     Medicine 1991; 70 (3):208, cited 66 times  

6. Jajić I.  Epidemiology of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clin Exp

    Rheumat 1992; 10 (Suppl 7):13.

7. Martinez-Lavin M, Matucci-Cerinić M, Jajić I, Hypertrophic

    osteoarthropathy: Consensus on its definition, classification,

    assessment  and diagnostic criteria.  Rheumatism; 20:1386,

    cited 92 times

8. Mladenović U, Domljan Z, Jajić I, et al. Safety and effectiveness of

    leflunomide in the treatment of patients with active rheumatoid

    arthritis.  Arthritis Rheum 1995; 38 (11):1595, cited 231 times 

9. Jajić Z, Jajić I:  Radiological changes of short and flat bone in primary

    hypertrophic osteoarthropathy.  Ann Rheum Dis 1998; 57:747

10. Jajić Z, Jajić I, Nemčić T. Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy:

     Clinical, Radiological and Scintigraphic Characteristics. Archives of

     Medical Research 2001;32:136

11. Jajić I, Jajić Z, Grazio S. Minor but important symptoms and signs in

      primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clin Exp Rheumatol  2001;3:357

HLA atigens psoriatic arthritis psoriasis ivo jajic

Citation of his published papers in foreign books/textbooks that were published until 2001 counts  more than 40  citations, which is a significant contribution to the development of rheumatology:

1. Brainerd, T, Krupp, MA, Chatton, MJ, Margen, S. Contemporary diagnosis and

    treatment (translation). Contemporary  administration. Belgrade, 1973, p. 573

2. Wright, V, Moll, JMH. Seronegative polyarthritis. North-Holland Publishing Company,

    Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, 1976, p. 37, 75, 206, 221

3. Lawrence, JS. Rheumatism in populations, Wilham Heinemann Medical  Books,

    London, 1997, p.544

4. Dihlmann, W. Diagnostic Radiology of the Sacroiliac Joints. Georg Thieme Verlag

    Stuttgart, 1978

5. Rook, A, Wilkinson, DS, Ebling, FJG. Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford, 1979. p. 1356

6. Moll, JMH. Ankylosing Spondylitis. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London,

    Melbourne,  New York  , str. 155, 161

7. Calin, A. Spondylarthropathies. Grune and Stratton, Orlando, London, Tokyo, 1984,

    p. 184.

8. Konečni, J. Clinical rheumatology, Medicinska knjiga, Belgrade-Zagreb, 1984, p. 94,

    102, 103, 129, 133, 327, 543, 693

9. Nassonova, VA. Pirprofen-an updated. Hans Huber Publishers, Berne, Stuttgart,

    Vienna, 1984, p. 40

10. Tiwari, JL, Terasaki, PI. HLA and Disease Associations. Springer-Verlag, New York,

      Berlin, Heidelberg, Tokyo, 1985, str. 75, 95, 126

11. Van der Korst. Pirprofen in the light of recent experience. Hans Huber Publishers,

      Berne, Stuttgart, Toronto, 1985, p. 37, 85

12. Gerber, LH, Espinoza, LR. Psoriatic arthritis. Grune and Stratton, Orlando, London,

      Tokyo, 1985, p.80,92

13. Kelley, WN, Harris, D, Ruddy, S, Sledge, CB. Textbook of Rheumatology, 2nd edition,

      WB Saunders Company, str. 1030.

14. Calabro, JJ, Dick, WC. Ankylosing spondylitis. MTD Press Limited, Lancaster, England,

      1987, p.106

15. Balint, G, Gomor, B, Hodinkal. Rheumatology, State of the Art. Excerpta medica,

      Amsterdam, London, New York, Tokyo, 1991, p. 393

16. Klippel, JH, Dieppe, PA. Rheumatology. Mosby – Year Book Europe Limited, 1994, p. 3,


17. Kelley, WN, Harris, D, Ruddy, S, Sledge, CB. Textbook of Rheumatology, 5th ed. WB

      Saunders Company 1997, p. 1004.

18. Koopman, WJ. Arthritis and Allied Conditions. A Textbook of Rheumatology, 13th ed.

      William and Wilkin, p. 1243

19. Kremer, JM, Fox, RI. Leflunomide. In: Koopman WJ. Arthritis and allied conditions.

      Philadelphia-Tokyo: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2001, p. 783

20. Benne tt, RM. Psoriatic arthritis. In: Koopman WJ. Arthritis and allied conditions. 

      Philadelphia-Tokyo: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2001, p. 1345

21. Altman, RD. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. In: Koopman WJ. Arthritis and allied

     conditions. Philadelphia-Tokyo: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001, p. 1962

gout in the spine saco-iliac joints ivo jajic
Propedeutika 1994 compress.jpg
Lumbalni bolni sindrom  1984 .jpg
Izvanzglobni reumatizam compress.jpg
B) Professor Jajić published an impressive number of scientific and professional books (monographs, textbooks, manuals), edited books and chapters in books in the field of rheumatology and physical medicine

Those were intended for undergraduate teaching and postgraduate studies at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb,  and the continuing education of specialist doctors and subspecialists in the field of rheumatology, physical medicine, and other related professions, for which many generations of medical students, resident doctors, doctors in subspecialization, specialists and subspecialists, including today’s generations who use them, are immensely grateful.


A substantial number of his books are firsts in Croatian medical literature and also serve as firsts textbooks at the University of Zagreb:                                            



  • the first monograph on ankylosing spondylitis in Croatian medical literature:

       Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondililtis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis).Zagreb: Školska knjiga,1978,1-278


  • the first comprehensive monograph on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature:

         Jajić I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1995, 1-685

  • the first monograph in Croatian literature dedicated to the development of rheumatology as a worldwide profession was published in Croatian and English: 

       1. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Razvoj reumatologije tijekom dva tisućljeća (eng The Development of Rheumatology through

           Two Millenia). Birotisak.  Zagreb, 2008, 1-459

       2. Jajić I, Jajić T. The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millenia. Birotisak, Zagreb, 2008, 1-451


  • the other textbooks of the University of Zagreb:

         1. Jajić I. et al. Fizikalna medicina (eng Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1- 386
         2. Jajić I et al. Fizikalna medicina i opća rehabilitacija (eng Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation).

             Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1-428

  •  the other first such books in Croatian medical literature:

              1. Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Školska  knjiga, 1983 
                  (1st edition), 1–151 

              2. Jajić I et al. Lumbalni bolni sindrom (eng Lumbar Pain Syndrome). Školska knjiga, 1984,1-                 
              3. Jajić I, Unušić J. Liječenje i rehabilitacija ratnih ozljeda perifernih živaca (eng Treatment and 
                  Rehabilitation of War Injuries of Peripheral Nerves). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1992, 1-
              4. Jajić I. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric-Rheumatological    
                  Propaedeutics). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994 (1st edition) and 2004 (2nd revised    
                  edition), 1-242 and 1-326
               5. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Hipertrofična osteoartropatija (eng Syndrome of Hypertrophic               
                  Osteoarthropathy). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1–169
               6. Jajić I, Jajić, Z. Primjena lokalnih injekcija u reumatskim bolestima (eng Application of Local 
                   Injections in Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1–88
               7. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Rentgenska dijagnostika reumatskih bolesti (eng X-Ray Diagnostics of   
                   Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2001, 1-231
               8. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Algodistrofični sindrom (eng Algodystrophic Syndrome). Zagreb, Medicinska 
                    naklada, 2003, 1–120 
               9. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Polimijalgija reumatika i arteritis divovskih stanica (eng Polymyalgia 
                    Rheumatica and Arteritis of Giant Cells). Zagreb, Alfej, 2003, 1–136
               10. Jajić I et al. Kronična zdjelična bol u žena (eng Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women). Zagreb,      
                      Medicinska naklada, 2004, 1–166
               11. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Izvanzglobni reumatizam i srodna stanja (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism      
                      and Related Conditions), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2005, 1-235


  •  he published in the Medical Encyclopedia of the Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb and  wrote the following chapters: 

           1. Rheumatism
           2. Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases
           3. System Antigens HLA in Rheumatic Diseases
           4. Electrotherapy
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation



A list of all published books (monographs, textbooks, manuals), edited books, and book chapters:

1. Jajić I. Urikozurici u liječenju kroničnog uričkog artritisa s posebnim osvrtom na Benemid  (eng   
    Uricosurics in the Treatment of Chronic Uric Arthritis with Special Reference to Benemid). Ljubljana,   
    Lek, 1969, 1-24
2. Jajić, I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumat
ology). Ljubljana, Lek, 1971, 1-40
3. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondilitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1978,1–278, 
    the first monograph on ankylosing spondylitis in Croatian literature
4. Jajić I. Sindrom fibrzitisa (eng Fibrositis syndrome). In: Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija (eng Orthopedics). 
     Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979,175–181
5. Jajić I. Degenerativne bolesti zglobova i kralježnice (eng Degenerative Diseases of the Joints and  
    Spine). In: Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija (eng Orthopedics). Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979, 183–189
6. Jajić I. Upalne bolesti kostiju I zglobova (eng Inflammatory Diseases of Bones and Joints). In:    
     Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija (eng Orthopedics). Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979, 147-174
7. Kovačić S, Durrigl P, Jajić I. Kralježnica I zdjelica (eng Spine and Pelvis). In: Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija    
    (eng Orthopedics). Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979, 319–388
8. Jajić I. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981 (first 
    edition),  1-474, the first textbook at the University of Zagreb on rheumatic diseases in Croatian  
    medical literature
9. Jajić, I. Izvanzglobni reumatizam (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism), Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981, 1- 
10. Jajić, I. Degenertivne promjene kralježnice i zglobova (eng Degenerative Changes of the Spine and   
      Joints). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981, 1–59
11. Jajić, I. Odabrana poglavlja iz reumatologije (eng Selected Chapters from Rheumatology). 
       Ljubljana, Lek, 1981, 1–64
12. Jajić, I. Odabrana poglavlja iz lumbalnog bolnog sindroma (eng Selected Chapters from Lumbar 
      Pain Syndrome). Ljubljana, Lek, 1981, 1–11
13. Jajić, I. Reumatoidni artritis (eng Rheumatoid Arthritis). Ljubljana, Lek, 1981, 1–64
14. Susić Ž, Jajić I. Jogging, Zagreb, Velebit, 1982, 1–16
15. Jajić I. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1982 (second 
       edition), 1-474, the first textbook at the University of Zagreb on rheumatic diseases in Croatian 
       medical literature
16. Jajić I. Patofiziološka osnova rane kineziterapije u traumatologiji. Traumatologija u 
       suvremenoj medicini, kontinuirana postdiplomska nastava na Medicinskom fakultetu u 
       Zagrebu (eng Pathophysiological Basis of Early Kinesitherapy in Traumatology. Traumatology in 
       Modern Medicine, Continuous Postgraduate Study at the School of Medicine in Zagreb). Zagreb: 
       Medicinski  fakultet (eng Zagreb: School of Medicine), 1983, 199-205
17. Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1983 
      (1st edition), 1–151, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
18. Jajić I. et al. Lumbalni bolni sindrom (eng Lumbar Pain Syndrome). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1984,         
      1–207, the first comprehensive presentation of the public health problem of lower back pain in 
      Croatian medical literature
19. Jajić I. Metode određivanja antigena HLA u reumatskim bolestima (eng Methods for Determining 
      HLA Antigen in Rheumatic Diseases). In: Konečni J. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical    
      Rheumatology). Belgrade-Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1984, 94-103
20. Jajić I. Artroza pojedinih zglobova (eng Osteoarthritis of Certain Joints). In: Konečni J. Klinička 
       reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Belgrade-Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1984, 525–533.
21. Jajić I. Infekcijski artritis (eng Infectious Arthritis). In: Konečni J. Klinička reumatologija (eng 
       Clinical Rheumatology). Belgrade–Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1984, 475–492
22. Jajić I. Pirprofen in patients with diabetes mellitus receiving glibenclamide or chlorpropamide. In: 
      Pirprofen - an update (editor: Nassonova VA), Bern-Stuttgart-Vienna: Hans Huber Publishers 
      1984; 40-46
23. Jajić I. Rehabilitacijski postupak u bolesnika s povredom kuka. Traumatologija u suvremenoj 
       medicini. Kontinuirana postdiplomska nastava na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (eng 
       Rehabilitation Procedure in Patients with Hip Injury. Traumatology in Modern Medicine. 
       Continuing Postgraduate Study at the School of Medicine in Zagreb). Zagreb, 1984; 47-51
24. Jajić, I (ed.). Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of Rheumatologists of Yugoslavia, Zagreb 1984, 1-
25. Jajić I, Jajić Ivanka. RETA, Zagreb, Vjesnik, 1984, 1–58
26. Jajić, I, (ed.). Proceedings of the Second Yugoslav-Greek Meeting of Rheumatology, Zagreb, 1985, 
27. Jajić I. Reumatizam. Epidemiologija reumatskih bolesti (eng Rheumatism. Epidemiology of 
      Rheumatic Diseases). Medical Encyclopedia, second supplementary volume, Lexicographic 
      Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1986; 571-572
28. Jajić I. Reumatizam. Antigeni sustava HLA kod reumatskih bolesti (eng Rheumatism. HLA system 
      Antigens in Rheumatic Diseases). Medical Encyclopedia, second supplementary volume, 
      Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1986; 572-573
29. Jajić I. Elektroterpija. Transkutana električna živčana stimulacija (eng Electrotherapy. 
      Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). Medical Encyclopedia, second supplementary 
      volume, Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1986; 151
30. Jajić, I, (ed.). Proceedings of the First Yugoslav-Polish Meeting of Rheumatology, Varaždinske 
       toplice, 1987, 1–181
31. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Belgrade-Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1988, 1-
32. Dubravica M, Jajić I, Marčić A. EMG Biofeedback kao tehnika mišićne relaksacije bolesnika s
       lezijom nervusa facijalisa (eng EMG Biofeedback as a Technique of Muscle Relaxation in Patients 
       with Lesions of the Facial Nerve). In: Jušić A, ed. Novosti u neuromuskularnim bolestima i  
       elektromioneurografiji (eng New Discoveries in Neuromuscular Diseases and 
       Electromyoneurography). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1989; 302-304
33. Jajić I, Dürrigl T, Domljan Z, Pučar I, Taseski B, Kaštelan M, Medanić M. Reumatoidni 
       artritis u djece i odraslih, Sjögren i Feltyjev sindrom i seronegativni artritisi (eng Rheumatoid 
       Arthritis in Children and Adults, Sjögren and Felty Syndrome and Seronegative Arthritis). In:  
       Dekaris D, Čulo F, et al. Klinička imunologija u nas (eng Clinical Immunology in Our Country). 
       Zagreb, JAZU, 1990; 349-362
34. Jajić I, Ivanišević G (eds.). Proceedings of the 18th European Osteoarthrology Symposium 
       European League against Rheumatism (ESOA) Dubrovnik, 1990. Periodicum Biologorum 1990; 92 
       (Supp1): 1-104

35. Jajić I, Ivanišević G (eds.). Proceedings of the First European Conference on the Epidemiology of 
       Rheumatic Diseases European League against Rheumatism, Dubrovnik, 1990. Periodicum 
       Biologorum 1990; 92 (Supp2): 1-56
36. Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2nd 
       revised edition, 1991, 1-236
37. Jajić I, Unušić J. Jajić I, Unušić J. Liječenje i rehabilitacija ratnih ozljeda perifernih živaca (eng 
      Treatment and Rehabilitation of War Injuries of Peripheral Nerves). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 
      1992, 1–61, Medicinska naklada, 1992, 1–61, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
38. Jajić I. Kinesitherapy in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. In: Balint G. et al, editors. 
       Rheumatology, State of the Art. Budapest, Elsevier 1992: 393-396
39. Jajić I. Novosti u dijagnostici reumatskih bolesti (eng New Discoveries in the Diagnosis of 
      Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, School of Medicine in Zagreb, 1993, 1–135
40. Jajić I. Fizijtrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric-Rheumatological Propaedeutics). 1st 
      edition, Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994,1-242, the first such book in Croatian medical 
41. Jajić I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1995, 1-685, the first 
      comprehensive monograph on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature
42. Jajić I. Najčešće reumatske bolesti u populaciji (eng The Most Common Rheumatic Diseases). 
      Zagreb, School of Medicine in Zagreb, 1995,1–50
43. Jajić I. Novo u terapiji reumatskih bolesti (eng New Discoveries in the Treatment of Rheumatic 
      Diseases). Zagreb, School of Medicine in Zagreb, 1995, 1–141
44. Jajić I. et al. Fizikalna medicina (eng Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1–386, 
      textbook at the University of Zagreb
45. Jajić I, Jajić Z, Jajić Ines. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološki rječnik (eng Physiatric and Rheumatological 
      Dictionary).  Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1–192

46. Jajić, I. et al. Spomenica Klinike za fizikalnu medicinu, rehabilitaciju i reumatologiju, Medicinskog 
      fakulteta u Zagrebu KB Sestre milosrdnice (eng Memorial of the Department for Rheumatology, 
      Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Sestre 
      Milosrdnice University Hospital). Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Klinička bolnica  
      „Sestre milosrdnice“ (eng School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and Sestre Milosrdnice 
      University Hospital), Zagreb, 1996, 1–176
47. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatske bolesti: fizikalna terapija i rehabilitacija (eng Rheumatic Diseases: 
      Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1–243
48. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Sindrom hipertrofične osteoartropatije (eng Syndrome of Hypertrophic 
      Osteoarthropathy). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997,1–169, the first such book in Croatian 
      medical literature
49. Jajić I, Jajić Z (eds.). Proceedings of the Second Congress of the Croatian Rheumatological Society, 
      Opatija, 1997. Reumatizam 1997; 45 (Supplement): 1–190
50. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Prevencija križobolje i vratobolje (eng Prevention of Lower Back Pain and Neck 
      Pain). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1998, 1–143
51. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatologija u praksi (eng Rheumatology in Practice). Zagreb, Sestre milosrdnice 
      University Hospital Centre, 1999, 1-237
52. Jajić Z, Jajić I. Zaštita zglobova reumatskih bolesnika (eng Joint Protection of Rheumatic Patients). 
      Zagreb, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, 1999,1-244
53. Jajić I et al. Fizikalna medicina i opća rehabilitacija (eng Physical Medicine and General 
      Rehabilitation). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000,1-428, textbook at the University of Zagreb
54. Jajić I, Jajić, Z. Primjena lokalnih injekcija u reumatskim bolestima (eng Application of Local 
      Injections in Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1–88, the first such book in 
      Croatian medical literature 
55. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Rentgenska dijagnostika reumatskih bolesti (eng X-ray Diagnostics of Rheumatic 
      Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2001, 1–231, the first such book in Croatian medical 
56. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Algodistrofični sindrom (eng Algodystrophic Syndrome). Zagreb, Medicinska 
       naklada, 2003, 1–120, the first such book in Croatian medical literature 
57. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Polimijalgija reumatika i arteritis divovskih stanica (eng Polymyalgia Rheumatica 
       and Arteritis of Giant Cells). Zagreb, Alfej, 2003, 1–136, the first such book in Croatian medical 
58. Jajić I et al. Kronična zdjelična bol u žena (eng Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women). Zagreb, Medicinska 
       naklada, 2004, 1–166, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
59. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric and Rheumatological 
      Propaedeutics). 2nd revised edition, Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2004, 1–326
60. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Izvanzglobni reumatizam i srodna stanja (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism and 
      Related Conditions), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2005, 1-235, the first such book in Croatian 
      medical literature
61. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Razvoj reumatologije tijekom dva tisućljeća (eng The Development of Rheumatology 
      through Two Millennia). Zagreb, Birotisak, 2008, 1–459, the first monograph dedicated to the 
      development of rheumatology on a global scale in Croatian literature, published in Croatian
62. Jajić I, Jajić Z. The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millenia. Birotisak, Zagreb, 2008, 
      1–451, a monograph dedicated to the development of rheumatology as a profession on a global 
      scale, published in English
63. Jajić I, Jajić Z. et al. Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina: osnove i liječenje (eng Physical and 
      Rehabilitation Medicine: Basics and Treatment). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2008, 1-480
64. Jajić I. Život s reumatologijom (eng Life with Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2009, 1-

The development of rheumatology through
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Reumatske bolesti fizikalna terapija com


C) Initiator of publishing and author of the manuals of the Croatian League against Rheumatism intended for patients

1. Jajić, I. Reumatske bolesti s vježbama za reumatičare (eng Rheumatic Diseases with Exercises for 
    Rheumatic Patients), Belgrade- Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1st edition 1978, 1–192; 2nd revised 
    edition 1983; 3rd revised edition 1986; 4th revised edition 1989 and 5th revised edition 1990
2. Jajić I, Jajić Ivanka. RETA, Zagreb, Vjesnik, 1984, 1–58
3. Jajić Z, Jajić I. Psorijatični artritis (eng Psoriatic Arthritis), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994, 1–6
4. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondylitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994,1-19
5. Jajić I. Reumatoidni artritis (eng Rheumatoid Arthritis). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994, 1–43
6. Jajić I, Jajić Z, Oklobdžija B. Urički artritis (eng Uric Arthritis), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994,1-
7. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondylitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997,1-20
8. Jajić I. Reumatoidni artritis (eng Rheumatoid Arthritis). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997,1-48
9. Jajić I. Psorijatični artritis (eng Psoriatic Arthritis). Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1-8
10. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Urički artritis (eng Uric Arthritis). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1-16
11. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Prevencija križobolje i vratobolje (eng Prevention of Lower Back Pain and Neck 
      Pain). Medicinska knjiga, Zagreb, 1998, 1-143
12. Jajić Z, Jajić I. Zaštita zglobova reumatskih bolesnika (eng Joint Protection of Rheumatic Patients). 
      Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 1999, 1-242
12. Jajić, I. Križobolja (eng Lower Back Pain). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 1999, 1-19
14. Jajić I. Bol u vratu (eng Neck pain). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 1999, 1–6
15. Jajić Z, Jajić I. Osteoporoza (eng Osteoporosis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 
      1999, 1-20
16. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Urički artritis (eng Uric Arthritis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 
      2000, 1-22
17. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Osteoartroza (eng Osteoarthritis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 
      2000, 1-16
18. Jajić I. Bol u vratu (eng Neck Pain). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 2000, 1-20
19. Jajić I. Križobolja (eng Lower Back Pain). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 2000,1-23
20. Jajić I. Reumatoidni artritis (eng Rheumatoid Arthritis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb 2000, 1-65
21. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondylitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis), Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb, 2000,1-29
22. Jajić I. Psorijatični artritis (eng Psoriatic Arthritis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 
      2003, 1-10
23. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondylitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb, 2003, 1-29
24. Jajić I. Reumatoidni artritis (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb 
      2003, 1-67
25. Jajić I. Polimijalgija reumatika (eng Polymyalgia Rheumatica). Croatian League against 
       Rheumatism, Zagreb, 2003, 1-9
26. Jajić Z. Sjogrenov sindrom (eng Sjogren’s Syndrome). Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb 2003, 1-11
27. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Urički artritis (eng Uric Arthritis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 
28. Jajić Z. Algodistrofični sindrom (eng Algodystrophic Syndrome). Croatian League against 
      Rheumatism, Zagreb, 2004,1-15
29. Jajić I.  Bol u vratu (eng Neck Pain). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 2004, 1-6
30. Jajić I. Križobolja (eng Lower Back Pain). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 2004, 1-6
31. Jajić Z, Jajić I. Osteoporoza (eng Osteoporosis). 2nd ed. Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb, 2004, 1-23
32. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Urički artritis (eng Uric Arthritis). Zagreb, Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb, 2004, 1-22
33. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Polimijalgija reumatika (eng Polymyalgia Rheumatica). 2nd ed., Croatian League 
      against Rheumatism, Zagreb, 2006,1-18
34. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondylitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Croatian League against Rheumatism, 
      Zagreb, 2006,1-37
35. Jajić I. Reumatoidni artritis (eng Rheumatoid Arthritis). 2nd ed. Croatian League against 
      Rheumatism, Zagreb, 2006,1-77
36. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Psorijatični sindrom (eng Psoriatic Arthritis). 2nd ed. Croatian League against          
      Rheumtism, Zagreb, 2007, 1-28

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Books review
Jajić I. Život s reumatologijom (eng Life with rheumatology).Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2009, 1-204

Autobiographical book by Ivo Jajić, Croatian and world-renowned rheumatologist, tenured professor at the Zagreb School of Medicine, about life with the profession with memories gathered in one place during 45 years of working life and living with rheumatology. In his rich and long working life, he visited many countries, met the most important names in his profession, wrote many books, performed many functions in the organization of the rheumatology service and contributed to the development of rheumatology in our country and in the world. 
The book is published in open access at Repository of the School of  Medicine of the University of Zagreb and on Repository of the Sisters milosrdnice Clinical Hospital Center.

Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondilitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Zagreb, Školska knjiga 1978, 1–278

the first monograph on ankylosing spondylitis in Croatian medical literature

The book provides a modern explanation of the symptoms and phenomena in both the clinical and radiological-morphological picture of the disease. They are illustrated with photographs, tables and graphs and histological findings collected over many years. Knowing the disease and its nature has not only a therapeutic value, but also a social-medical significance. The book contributes to a better understanding of the disease among a wide circle of physicians who, through their practice, come into contact with patients with ankylosing spondylitis. It will benefit not only rheumatologists, physiatrists and orthopedists, but also radiologists, internists, general practitioners, occupational medicine specialists, ophthalmologists, urologists and medical students.

Jajić I. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981 (first edition) and 1982 (second edition), 1-474

the first textbook of the University of Zagreb on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature

The textbook of the University of Zagreb tepresents the first comprehensive presentation of rheumatic diseases in Croatian literature, intended for rheumatologists, physiatrists, internists, orthopedists, occupational medicine specialists, general practitioners, epidemiologists, public health specialists and medical students to get to know rheumatic diseases as well as possible. The frequency of rheumatic diseases is increasing, the prevalence is from 0.5% to 28%, and the high morbidity from rheumatic diseases is a reflection of the increased average life expectancy, the dynamics of life in the second half of the 20th century. A detailed presentation of rheumatic diseases through history, epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, pathological anatomical picture, clinical picture, diagnostic possibilities, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, patient education and with the listed extensive literature at the end of each described rheumatic disease. Reviewers: Professor Veljko Mandić,  Professor Dragan Dekaris, Professor Milutin Živković, Professor Teodor Durrigl and  Professor Ivo Ruszkowski.

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Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine).  Zagreb, Školska  knjiga, 1983, 1–151


debut in Croatian literature 

Special physical medicine is a textbook dedicated to all those who deal with physical medicine and rehabilitation in the treatment of rheumatic, orthopedic and neurological diseases  as a guide for everyday work. It contains a description of the definition of the disease, etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, course and prognosis of the disease, and shows all available forms of treatment and  rehabilitation with an emphasis on the application of physical therapy,   with the mentioned extensive literature on at the end of each chapter. Reviewers: Professor Veljko Mandić and Professor Milutin Živković.  


Jajić I et al. Lumbalni bolni sindrom (eng Lumbar Pain Syndrome).  Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1984, 1-207


the first complete presentation of the public health problem of low back pain in Croatian literature

As a big  national, health, social and economic problem, lumbar pain syndrome  is considered in the book from different aspects, and new practical and theoretical achievements in functional anatomy, epidemiology, pathological morphology, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. New ideas and paths for further research and practical work are given   Each chapter   has  an extensive overview  literature. Reviewers: Professor Zlatko  Domljan and Professor  Milutin Živković.  

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Specijalna fizikalna medicina 1991

Jajić  I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2nd revised edition, 1991, 1-236

debut in Croatian medical literature 

The second, revised and supplemented edition of the textbook Special physical medicine  in which new chapters were added, which enriched the professional content and expanded the circle of interested readers.  It contains a presentation of the definition of the disease, etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, course and prognosis of the disease and shows all available forms of treatment with an emphasis on the application of physical therapy, in chapters about the treatment of rheumatic diseases, orthopedic diseases, neurological diseases,  in traumatology,  in surgery, in sports medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, in diseases of the respiratory system, in diseases of blood vessels, in dermatology and the application of physical therapy at home.  An extensive bibliography is listed at the end of each chapter. Reviewers: Professor  Teodor Durrigl and Miroslav Smerdelj, PhD..   

Jajić  I. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric-Rheumatological  Propaedeutics). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994 (1st edition), 1-242 

debut  in Croatian literature

Physical medicine is increasingly penetrating medicine, and rheumatology as a young profession  is gaining prominence every day. Applied treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatic patients depends exclusively on early recognition, i.e. early diagnosis of rheumatic diseases.  Therefore, the writing of this book is intended  for rheumatologists and physiatrists. The chapters in the General part are: Anamnesis, Significant complaints and signs of joint diseases, Physical examination of the limbs. Chapters in the Special section are: Jaw ternal joint, Cryoarytenoid joint,  Sternoclavicular joint, Lacroclavicular joint, Shoulder joint, Acroclavicular joint wrist, Wrist, Metacarpophalangeal joints, Spine, Sacroiliac joints, Symphysis, Hip, Knee, Foot joints. All chapters are enriched with a list of references. Reviewers: Professor Teodor Durrigl, Professor Predrag Keros, Professor Marko Pećina, Professor  Ivo Ruszkowski and  Professor Mladen Sekso.   

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Jajić  I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1995, 1-685

the first comprehensive monograph on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature 

The book Rheumatology is the first comprehensive textbook on rheumatic diseases in the Croatian language written and richly illustrated on 685 pages. Intended for a wide range of specialists from rheumatologists and specialists in other borderline professions, as well as medical students. It presents the latest findings and knowledge of this very young branch of medicine, which is gaining more and more interest due to the increased prevalence and incidence of rheumatic diseases. The presentation of rheumatic diseases is given in detail through history, epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, pathological anatomical picture, clinical picture of diagnostic possibilities, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and extensive literature for each presentation of a particular rheumatic disease. Reviewers: professorVladimir Čajkovac, assistant professor Božidar Ćurković, professor Zvonimir Kusić, assistant professor Ivan Maličić, assistant professor Tomislav Šušković. The book was printed with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia.

Jajić  I. et al. Fizikalna medicina (eng Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1–386

the  textbook of the University of Zagreb

The textbook is the result of the work of experts led by Professor Ivo Jajić from the teaching base of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Department  for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation of the Sestre milosrdnice Clinical Hospital Centre in Zagreb,  which have thereby filled a gap in domestic literature and brought the reader closer to new achievements in the field of physical medicine. All 35 chapters on therapeutic modalities are richly illustrated and have a rich literature listed. All the authors of this textbook can be proud they found the strength, will and patience to transfer  their knowledge and experience in the form of a book at the time of the Homeland war in Croatia.

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Jajic I, Jajic Z, Jajic Ines. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološki rječnik (eng Physiatric and Rheumatological Dictionary).  Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1–192


Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatske bolesti: fizikalna terapija i rehabilitacija (eng Rheumatic Diseases: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1–243


Textbook on the principles of treatment of rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile chronic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, systemic lupus  erythematodes, progressive systemic sclerosis, polymyositis, degenerative joint disease, spinal pain syndromes, sacroiliac joint pain syndrome, uric arthritis, osteoporosis syndrome, infectious arthritis, arthropathies and extra-articular rheumatism, with special reference to the application of the knowledge of physical medicine and rehabilitationReviewed by associate professor. Bozidar Ćurković.

Reumatske bolesti fizikalna terapija com

Jajić I, Jajić  Z. Sindrom hipertrofične osteoartropatije (eng Syndrome of Hypertrophic  Osteoarthropathy). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997,1–169

debut  in Croatian  medical  literature

A monograph on hypertrophic osteoarthropathy syndrome, the first in the Croatian language, which is based on knowledge of the world literature and the author's own extensive clinical experience, and represents a valuable contribution to many clinical disciplines. Reviewer: Profesor Vladimir Cajkovac.


Jajić I, Jajić  Z. Prevencija križobolje i vratobolje (eng Prevention of Lower Back Pain and Neck  Pain). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1998, 1–143


The manual intended  for the  prevention of  lower back pain and neck pain, increasingly common painful spine syndromes and at an earlier age. Experience shows that certain forms of measures that are implemented successfully help in the prevention and treatment of low back pain and neck pain. Success will be even better if, in addition to health care workers, patients   themselves engage in the prevention and treatment  of frequent occurrences of these painful syndromes.

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Jajić I, Jajić  Z.  Reumatologija u praksi (eng Rheumatology in Practice). Zagreb, Sestre milosrdnice  University Hospital Centre, 1999, 1-237

A manual for primary   health care physicians that will help them enrich and increase their knowledge  of rheumatology, in solving problems  of rheumatic patients in diagnostic and therapeutic meaning.  The most common rheumatic diseases are covered with a presentation of epidemiology,  etiology, pathological anatomical images, clinical images, diagnostic procedures, treatment and prognosis. Reviewer: Professor Krešimir Koržinek. 

Jajić  Z, Jajić I. Zaštita zglobova reumatskih bolesnika (eng Joint Protection of Rheumatic Patients). Zagreb,

Croatian league against rheumatism, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, 1999,1-244

The treatment of rheumatic diseases is complex and demanding.  In the overall   process of treating rheumatic patients  more and more attention is being paid  to protection of joints . Thus the manuala. Therefore this manual shows the possibility of joint protection that  should implemented by  healthcare workers as well as the patient himself as an equal member of the team that carries out comprehensive treatment. Above all, a richly illustrated handbook in education on the protection of the joints of rheumatic patients.


Jajić I et al. Fizikalna medicina i opća rehabilitacija (eng Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1-428

textbook of the University of Zagreb

The first edition of this textbook was printed in 1996 in an edition of 700 copies and  due to great interest, the textbook was sold out in less than 14 months. That's why the author  and his collaborators decided to create a second edition , in which new chapters on helioteraia, diagnostic ultrasound, health tourism, electrical accidents and a glossary were added, which enriched the professional content. and all existing chapters have been expanded and updated. The text is enriched with numerous  overview pictorial appendices and includes the latest findings from physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Jajić I, Jajić Z. Primjena lokalnih injekcija u reumatskim bolestima (eng Application of Local  Injections in Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1–88

debut  in Croatian  literature

It is a manual in which the reader can find everything necessary in the injection treatment of pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system. The chapters are richly illustrated with the cited literature: Introduction, Indications for intrasynovial administration of corticosteroids, Effectiveness of glucocorticoids  in local injection application,  Joint injection approach,  Local injection treatment of osteoarthrosis, Chemical synovectomy,  and  Treatment of painful spine syndromes with epidural conductive anesthesia. Reviewer: professor  Krešimir Koržinek.

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Jajić I, Jajić Z. Rentgenska dijagnostika reumatskih bolesti (eng X-Ray Diagnostics of  Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2001, 1-231

debut  in Croatian literature  

The richly illustrated book  deals with the radiological approach to joint inflammation  in rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile psoriatic arthritis Reiterova bolest, Whipple's disease of enteropathic arthropathy, systemic connective tissue disease, Behcet's syndrome,  arthropathies due to crystal deposition, degenerative relapsing diseases of the spine and joints, polychondritis, sarcoidosis,  infectious arthritis, hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, extra-articular rheumatism, neuroarthropathies and osteochondrosis. It is intended for rheumatologists, radiologists and specialists in borderline professions. Reviewers: Professor Marijan Lovrenčić and  Professor Miljenko Marotti.

Jajić I, Jajić  Z. . Algodistrofični sindrom (eng Algodystrophic Syndrome). Zagreb, Medicinska   naklada, 2003, 1–120


debut  in  croatian  literature

The monograph Algodystrophic syndrome   is the debut in our literature. Algodystrophic syndrome is a complication of healing of traumatic, inflammatory or some other processes on the locomotor system and other unexplained etiological factors. Unlike other diseases, its definition is unusually complicated and difficult, and the nomenclature is not unique. The approach to such patients is therefore insufficient and polypragmatic. This was the reason for writing this monograph, which certainly fills a gap in domestic literature and will provide readers with numerous answers to questions related to this entity. It is recommended for physiatrists, rheumatologists, orthopedists, traumatologists, cardiologists, neurologists, occupational medicine doctors. It consists of 17 chapters, namely: definition, nomenclature, historical overview, epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, pathological anatomical picture and pathophysiological events, clinical picture, topographic forms of algodystrophic syndrome, radiological and laboratory findings and other diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, clinical course and prognosis of algodystrophic syndrome. The textbook has a table of contents and an index, and behind each chapter there is the latest literature related to the text, which enables further expansion of knowledge. It is richly  documented and polished.  The work was reviewed by professor Krešimir Koržinek and professor Šime Mihatov.​
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Jajić I, Jajić Z. . Polimijalgija reumatika i arteritis divovskih stanica (eng Polymyalgia  Rheumatica and Arteritis of Giant Cells). Zagreb, Alfej, 2003, 1–136

debut  in Croatian  literature

The monograph on polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis is a complete work that appears for the first time in our literature and represents a novelty in the knowledge of this entity. It is intended for rheumatologists, physiatrists, internists, orthopedists, ophthalmologists, pathohistologists, occupational medicine physicians, family physicians, and postgraduate students from the above professions, with the intention of early detection and adequate treatment. It consists of 17 chapters, namely: introduction, definition, nomenclature, history, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, pathoanatomical and clinical picture, relationship between polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis, laboratory findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, course and prognosis. At the end of the textbook there is a table of contents and an index, and after each chapter there is a rich literature that is related to the text and represents the possibility of further data sources. The chapters are richly documented and illustrated, the content includes numerous tables, graphic representations and pictures of pathoanatomical findings and clinical manifestations, so that the entire material is easy to understand in early diagnosis and in undertaking adequate modern treatment. The reviewers of the work are eminent experts professor Zdravko Mandić and Professor Mladen Belicza.

Jajić I et al. Kronična zdjelična bol u žena (eng Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women). Zagreb,  Medicinska naklada, 2004, 1–166

debut  in   Croatian  literature
The book Chronic pelvic pain in women  is devoted to the approach to the problem of pelvic pain in women with the latest knowledge and as a debut in our literature.  In one place from the aspects of several specialties adapted to modern guidelines, and intended for gynecologists, rheumatologists, orthopedists, physiatrists, urologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists and others. Despite the developed diagnostic procedures, chronic pelvic pain still represents a significant problem in the daily work of doctors. Considering the complex anatomical relationships of the pelvic organs, the causes of chronic pelvic pain can be diverse, the clinical picture is dominated by very similar symptoms, therefore the approach to this problem must be comprehensive.  The manual is divided into the following chapters: Anatomy and physiology of pain, General characteristics of chronic pelvic pain of gynecological origin, Chronic pelvic pain in women related to rheumatic diseases, Pain in the lower abdomen - gastroenterological aspect, Pelvic pain in urological practice. Most chapters are richly illustrated with a bibliography and glossary at the end of the manual. The reviewers are  professor  Krešimir Koržinek and Professor  Vlastimir Kukura.

Jajić I, Jajić  Z. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric-Rheumatological  Propaedeutics). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2004 (2nd revised edition), 1-326

We have  the second renewed and supplemented edition of Physiatric-Rheumatological Propaedeutics, written by our eminent experts in rheumatology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, professor Ivo Jajić and Professor Zrinka Jajic. The first edition appeared a few years ago, and this, the second edition was supplemented with new knowledge describing new tests and new facts in the field of history and physical clinical examination of the locomotor system. The textbook is intended not only for specialists in rheumatology, physical medicine, and rehabilitation, but also for other borderline professions: orthopedics, neurology, occupational medicine, primary health care, as well as for residents and students, all who want to deepen their knowledge of locomotor system issues. It consists of 18 chapters, namely: a general part (anamnesis, significant complaints and signs of joint diseases, physical examination of the limbs) and a special part that includes a physical examination of individual joints. rich literature that is related to the text and represents the possibility of a further source of data. Most of the chapters are richly documented and illustrated, the content includes numerous graphic representations and pictures of clinical manifestations. The reviewers of the work are academician Marko Pećina, professor Theodor Durrigl and professor Predrag Keros.

Jajić I, Jajić Z. Izvanzglobni reumatizam i srodna stanja (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism  and Related Conditions), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2005, 1-235

debut  in  Croatian  literature

The textbook is intended for rheumatologists, physiatrists, orthopedists, internists and doctors of occupational medicine and general medicine. It is rich in pictures of extra-articular diseases and syndromes (249 pictures) and tables (13 tables). It is hardcover and has a format of 17x24 cm. The material is divided into thirteen chapters: Extra-articular rheumatic diseases, Systemic and localized extra-articular rheumatic diseases, Diseases due to the deposition of calcium salts, Systemic and localized bone diseases, Rheumatic aspects of some endocrinopathies and metabolic diseases, Extra-articular manifestations of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, Necrotizing syndromes, Syndromes of the temporomandibular area , Intermittent and periodic syndromes and Tumors of soft tissues around the joints. In relation to individual chapters, there is a description of world-renowned authors who contributed to the development of rheumatology with their work. At the end of each thematic unit of the description of the disease or syndrome, generous contemporary literature is listed, which enables further expansion of knowledge. This work represents a novelty in domestic literature and, as a debut, systematically completes the knowledge of these conditions, which represent one of the most common rheumatic syndromes and diseases of the modern lifestyle. The work was reviewed by eminent experts: professor Dubravko Orlić and professor  Krešimir Koržinek.

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Jajić I, Jajić  Z. Razvoj reumatologije tijekom dva tisućljeća (eng The Development of   Rheumatology through Two Millenia), Croatian edition. Birotisak. Zagreb, 2008, 1-459

the first monograph dedicated to the development of rheumatology as a profession on a global scale  in Croatian literature, published in Croatian
A book entitled Razvoj reumatologije tijekom dva tisućljeća (eng The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millennia) - Croatian edition,  dedicated to rheumatology from the initial concepts of rheuma in ancient Greece through its development as a field of medicine and accumulation of knowledge in the field of rheumatology to the year 2000, bringing an overview of this medical profession over two millennia, was published by Birotisak, Zagreb, Croatia, in 2008. Ivo Jajić and Zrinka Jajić, professors of rheumatology at School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia, the authors of the book, in collaboration with national and university libraries from Europe and USA, and with renowned experts from all over the world, true lovers of the profession, having whole-heartedly taken part in the material and information collection, have designed this book as a unique work of the type in the world, consisting of a number of sections dedicated to the global development of rheumatology. The part of the book on historical events provides an overview of historical events in international rheumatology from ancient times and the Greek word rheuma meaning flux, introducing the terms rheumatology and rheumatologist, development of residency in rheumatology, establishment of national societies of rheumatology in Europe and the USA, through the first professional medical conference on rheumatic diseases, held in 1932 in New Orleans, congresses of rheumatologists in particular countries and international meetings. Foundation of the International League Against Rheumatism including four regional leagues, ie European (EULAR), American (PANLAR), Asian–Pacific (APLAR) and African (AFLAR), and all major events and activities related to particular leagues are given due emphasis. Publications in the field of rheumatology are presented through an overview of the most important international rheumatology journals since their launch. This historical overview brings a chronological survey of classifications and nomenclature of rheumatic diseases, diagnostic criteria for rheumatic diseases, first professors of rheumatology at international universities and Nobel Prize winners in medicine relevant to rheumatology. The second, most extensive section of the book is dedicated to the authors worldwide who have contributed the most to the development of rheumatology. On 372 pages with more than 1000 illustrations, this section presents 2343 authors, in alphabetical order, not only rheumatologists but also epidemiologists, pathologists, immunologists, biochemists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, medical historians, paediatricians, nuclear medicine specialists, gastroenterologists, radiologists and others specialists engaged in rheumatology. They are all presented by their biographical data, special field of work (specialty), brief presentation of respective publications with original literature data, and a photo (most of them). The third section entitled From the History of Croatian Rheumatology, brings a short survey of historical events in the development of rheumatology in Croatia. At the end of the book, the reader will find the Index of Authors and Index of Terms. The book was reviewed by Academician Zvonko Kusić and Academician Dragan Dekaris. This originally designed book in international literature is strongly recommended to rheumatologists as well as to other related specialists and medical historians, as they will certainly find many interesting data and stimulation for further development of the profession worldwide.

Jajić I, Jajić Z. The Development of Rheumatology Through Two Millenia. English edition. Birotisak. Zagreb, 2008, 1-451

the first monograph dedicated to the development of rheumatology as a profession in the Croatian literature, published in English

A book entitled The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millennia (English edition), dedicated to rheumatology from the initial concepts of rheuma in ancient Greece through its development as a field of medicine and accumulation of knowledge in the field of rheumatology to the year 2000, bringing an overview of this medical profession over two millennia, was published by Birotisak, Zagreb, Croatia, in 2008. Ivo Jajić and Zrinka Jajić, professors of rheumatology at School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia, the authors of the book, in collaboration with national and university libraries from Europe and USA, and with renowned experts from all over the world, true lovers of the profession, having whole-heartedly taken part in the material and information collection, have designed this book as a unique work of the type in the world, consisting of a number of sections dedicated to the global development of rheumatology. The part of the book on historical events provides an overview of historical events in international rheumatology from ancient times and the Greek word rheuma meaning flux, introducing the terms rheumatology and rheumatologist, development of residency in rheumatology, establishment of national societies of rheumatology in Europe and the USA, through the first professional medical conference on rheumatic diseases, held in 1932 in New Orleans, congresses of rheumatologists in particular countries and international meetings. Foundation of the International League Against Rheumatism including four regional leagues, ie European (EULAR), American (PANLAR), Asian–Pacific (APLAR) and African (AFLAR), and all major events and activities related to particular leagues are given due emphasis. Publications in the field of rheumatology are presented through an overview of the most important international rheumatology journals since their launch. This historical overview brings a chronological survey of classifications and nomenclature of rheumatic diseases, diagnostic criteria for rheumatic diseases, first professors of rheumatology at international universities and Nobel Prize winners in medicine relevant to rheumatology. The second, most extensive section of the book is dedicated to the authors worldwide who have contributed the most to the development of rheumatology. On 372 pages with more than 1000 illustrations, this section presents 2343 authors, in alphabetical order, not only rheumatologists but also epidemiologists, pathologists, immunologists, biochemists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, medical historians, paediatricians, nuclear medicine specialists, gastroenterologists, radiologists and others specialists engaged in rheumatology. They are all presented by their biographical data, special field of work (specialty), brief presentation of respective publications with original literature data, and a photo (most of them). The third section entitled From the History of Croatian Rheumatology, brings a short survey of historical events in the development of rheumatology in Croatia. At the end of the book, the reader will find the Index of Authors and Index of Terms. The book was reviewed by Academician Zvonko Kusić and Academician Dragan Dekaris. This originally designed book in international literature is strongly recommended to rheumatologists as well as to other related specialists and medical historians, as they will certainly find many interesting data and stimulation for further development of the profession worldwide.

The development of rheumatology through

Jajić I, Jajić Z. et al. Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina:osnove i liječenje (eng Physical and Reabilitation Medicine: Basics and Treatment).

Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2008, 1-480

In May 2008, a book called Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: Basics and Treatment was published by Medicinska Naklada. A book with the latest knowledge and numerous aspects of the profession in the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine adapted to the guidelines of the European Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM) in terms of content, work program and development of the profession. The authors of the book, Ivo Jajić and Zrinka Jajić, professors at the School of Medicine at the University of Zagreb, together with teachers at the School of Medicine in Split, Rijeka and other collaborators, designed this publication as a series of units compiled by our eminent experts in physical and rehabilitation medicine, orthopedics, neurology and occupational medicine. Authors of individual units: Ivo Jajić (Historical development of physical and rehabilitation medicine), Zrinka Jajić (Clinical assessment of the patient's condition, Physical examination of the musculoskeletal system), Čedomir Ljubin (Electrodiagnostics), Ivan Mikula (Principles of electromyoneurography) , Ivo Jajić and Tomislav Nemčić (Diagnostic application of ultrasound), Ivo Jajić (Physiology of pain), Ivo Jajić (Basics of kinesiology), Zrinka Jajić (Electrotherapy), Frane Grubišić (Electrostimulation therapy), Marija Graberski-Matasović (Biofeedback), Ivo Jajić ( Heat therapy), Tonko Vlak (Phototherapy), Ivo Jajić (Ultrasound therapy), Ivo Jajić and Zrinka Jajić (Laser treatment), Dunja Barak-Smešny (Manual medicine, Massage), Zrinka Jajić (Traction), Ivo Jajić (Acupuncture), Ivo Jajić (Kinesitherapy), Tatjana Kehler (Hydrotherapy), Ivo Jajić (Balneotherapy),  Kauzlarić (Orototics), Katarina Sekelj- Kauzlarić (Health protection and insurance: principles for physical and rehabilitation medicine), Anka Mihalić and Vesna Sitar-Srebočan (Medical expertise in physical and rehabilitation medicine) and Ivo Jajić (Scientific research in physical and rehabilitation medicine) presented in their texts the most contemporary and current aspects of this profession and made this work of interest ancient and border specialties. The treated thematic units of the book (49 in total) are abundant with pictorial appendices (406), tabular representations (33) and generous contemporary literature that enables further expansion of knowledge. The book was reviewed by eminent experts from abroad and Croatia: Professor Zmago Turk, School of Medicine in Maribor, Professor Aljoša Matejčić and Professor Vida Demarin. This work represents a novelty in domestic literature and completes knowledge and knowledge in physical and rehabilitation medicine adapted to the guidelines for the development of this profession in the European Union.

© 2020 Zrinka Jajić i Ivan Jajić, Msc


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