The extremely rich range of published works by Professor Ivo Jajić represents a significant breakthrough and an important step forward in the medical profession of rheumatology and physical medicine in Croatia and the world. He published 700 works, of which 600 were papers and 100 books (monographs, manuals, textbooks) and chapters in books in the field of rheumatology and physical medicine, of which about 40 were manuals published by the Croatian League against Rheumatism intended for patients. The list of publications is available in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI).
A) An exceptional prolific author, whose papers had a noticeable impact on the
professional and scientific community (12)
The number of citations of his published papers in the Web of Science All Databases report dated June 10, 2020, amounts to 3,294 citations, h-index 25. At the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, he was one of the most cited authors in the 1980s.
Citation of his published papers and in 2020 indicates a continuous contribution to the development of rheumatology:
1. Jajić I. Radiological Changes in the Sacro-iliac Jointsand Spine of
Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis. Ann Rheum Dis 1968;
27:1, cited 53 times
2. Jajić I, Kaštelan A, Brnobić A, Kerhin V, Brkljačić Lj.
HLA Antigens in Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis. Arch Derm 1977;
113 (12):1724
3. Jajić I. Gout in the spine and sacroiliac joints: radiological
manifestations. Skeletal Radiology 1982; 8:209
4. Jajić Z, Jajić I, Jajić I. HLA-B27 antigen and rheumatoid arthritis.
Acta med Iug 1991; 45:195-202
5. Matucci-Cerinić M. Lotti T, Jajić I, et al. The clinical spectrum of
pachydermoperiostosis (primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy).
Medicine 1991; 70 (3):208, cited 66 times
6. Jajić I. Epidemiology of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clin Exp
Rheumat 1992; 10 (Suppl 7):13.
7. Martinez-Lavin M, Matucci-Cerinić M, Jajić I, Hypertrophic
osteoarthropathy: Consensus on its definition, classification,
assessment and diagnostic criteria. Rheumatism; 20:1386,
cited 92 times
8. Mladenović U, Domljan Z, Jajić I, et al. Safety and effectiveness of
leflunomide in the treatment of patients with active rheumatoid
arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 1995; 38 (11):1595, cited 231 times
9. Jajić Z, Jajić I: Radiological changes of short and flat bone in primary
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Ann Rheum Dis 1998; 57:747
10. Jajić Z, Jajić I, Nemčić T. Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy:
Clinical, Radiological and Scintigraphic Characteristics. Archives of
Medical Research 2001;32:136
11. Jajić I, Jajić Z, Grazio S. Minor but important symptoms and signs in
primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2001;3:357
Citation of his published papers in foreign books/textbooks that were published until 2001 counts more than 40 citations, which is a significant contribution to the development of rheumatology:
1. Brainerd, T, Krupp, MA, Chatton, MJ, Margen, S. Contemporary diagnosis and
treatment (translation). Contemporary administration. Belgrade, 1973, p. 573
2. Wright, V, Moll, JMH. Seronegative polyarthritis. North-Holland Publishing Company,
Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, 1976, p. 37, 75, 206, 221
3. Lawrence, JS. Rheumatism in populations, Wilham Heinemann Medical Books,
London, 1997, p.544
4. Dihlmann, W. Diagnostic Radiology of the Sacroiliac Joints. Georg Thieme Verlag
Stuttgart, 1978
5. Rook, A, Wilkinson, DS, Ebling, FJG. Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford, 1979. p. 1356
6. Moll, JMH. Ankylosing Spondylitis. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, London,
Melbourne, New York , str. 155, 161
7. Calin, A. Spondylarthropathies. Grune and Stratton, Orlando, London, Tokyo, 1984,
p. 184.
8. Konečni, J. Clinical rheumatology, Medicinska knjiga, Belgrade-Zagreb, 1984, p. 94,
102, 103, 129, 133, 327, 543, 693
9. Nassonova, VA. Pirprofen-an updated. Hans Huber Publishers, Berne, Stuttgart,
Vienna, 1984, p. 40
10. Tiwari, JL, Terasaki, PI. HLA and Disease Associations. Springer-Verlag, New York,
Berlin, Heidelberg, Tokyo, 1985, str. 75, 95, 126
11. Van der Korst. Pirprofen in the light of recent experience. Hans Huber Publishers,
Berne, Stuttgart, Toronto, 1985, p. 37, 85
12. Gerber, LH, Espinoza, LR. Psoriatic arthritis. Grune and Stratton, Orlando, London,
Tokyo, 1985, p.80,92
13. Kelley, WN, Harris, D, Ruddy, S, Sledge, CB. Textbook of Rheumatology, 2nd edition,
WB Saunders Company, str. 1030.
14. Calabro, JJ, Dick, WC. Ankylosing spondylitis. MTD Press Limited, Lancaster, England,
1987, p.106
15. Balint, G, Gomor, B, Hodinkal. Rheumatology, State of the Art. Excerpta medica,
Amsterdam, London, New York, Tokyo, 1991, p. 393
16. Klippel, JH, Dieppe, PA. Rheumatology. Mosby – Year Book Europe Limited, 1994, p. 3,
17. Kelley, WN, Harris, D, Ruddy, S, Sledge, CB. Textbook of Rheumatology, 5th ed. WB
Saunders Company 1997, p. 1004.
18. Koopman, WJ. Arthritis and Allied Conditions. A Textbook of Rheumatology, 13th ed.
William and Wilkin, p. 1243
19. Kremer, JM, Fox, RI. Leflunomide. In: Koopman WJ. Arthritis and allied conditions.
Philadelphia-Tokyo: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2001, p. 783
20. Benne tt, RM. Psoriatic arthritis. In: Koopman WJ. Arthritis and allied conditions.
Philadelphia-Tokyo: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2001, p. 1345
21. Altman, RD. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. In: Koopman WJ. Arthritis and allied
conditions. Philadelphia-Tokyo: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001, p. 1962

B) Professor Jajić published an impressive number of scientific and professional books (monographs, textbooks, manuals), edited books and chapters in books in the field of rheumatology and physical medicine
Those were intended for undergraduate teaching and postgraduate studies at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, and the continuing education of specialist doctors and subspecialists in the field of rheumatology, physical medicine, and other related professions, for which many generations of medical students, resident doctors, doctors in subspecialization, specialists and subspecialists, including today’s generations who use them, are immensely grateful.
A substantial number of his books are firsts in Croatian medical literature and also serve as firsts textbooks at the University of Zagreb:
the first textbook of the University of Zagreb on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature:
Jajić I. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981 (1st ed.) and 1982 (2nd ed.), 1-474
the first monograph on ankylosing spondylitis in Croatian medical literature:
Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondililtis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis).Zagreb: Školska knjiga,1978,1-278
the first comprehensive monograph on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature:
Jajić I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1995, 1-685
the first monograph in Croatian literature dedicated to the development of rheumatology as a worldwide profession was published in Croatian and English:
1. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Razvoj reumatologije tijekom dva tisućljeća (eng The Development of Rheumatology through
Two Millenia). Birotisak. Zagreb, 2008, 1-459
2. Jajić I, Jajić T. The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millenia. Birotisak, Zagreb, 2008, 1-451
the other textbooks of the University of Zagreb:
1. Jajić I. et al. Fizikalna medicina (eng Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1- 386
2. Jajić I et al. Fizikalna medicina i opća rehabilitacija (eng Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation).
Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1-428
the other first such books in Croatian medical literature:
1. Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Školska knjiga, 1983
(1st edition), 1–151
2. Jajić I et al. Lumbalni bolni sindrom (eng Lumbar Pain Syndrome). Školska knjiga, 1984,1-
3. Jajić I, Unušić J. Liječenje i rehabilitacija ratnih ozljeda perifernih živaca (eng Treatment and
Rehabilitation of War Injuries of Peripheral Nerves). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1992, 1-
4. Jajić I. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric-Rheumatological
Propaedeutics). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994 (1st edition) and 2004 (2nd revised
edition), 1-242 and 1-326
5. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Hipertrofična osteoartropatija (eng Syndrome of Hypertrophic
Osteoarthropathy). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1–169
6. Jajić I, Jajić, Z. Primjena lokalnih injekcija u reumatskim bolestima (eng Application of Local
Injections in Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1–88
7. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Rentgenska dijagnostika reumatskih bolesti (eng X-Ray Diagnostics of
Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2001, 1-231
8. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Algodistrofični sindrom (eng Algodystrophic Syndrome). Zagreb, Medicinska
naklada, 2003, 1–120
9. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Polimijalgija reumatika i arteritis divovskih stanica (eng Polymyalgia
Rheumatica and Arteritis of Giant Cells). Zagreb, Alfej, 2003, 1–136
10. Jajić I et al. Kronična zdjelična bol u žena (eng Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women). Zagreb,
Medicinska naklada, 2004, 1–166
11. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Izvanzglobni reumatizam i srodna stanja (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism
and Related Conditions), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2005, 1-235
he published in the Medical Encyclopedia of the Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb and wrote the following chapters:
1. Rheumatism
2. Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases,
3. System Antigens HLA in Rheumatic Diseases,
4. Electrotherapy
5. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
A list of all published books (monographs, textbooks, manuals), edited books, and book chapters:
1. Jajić I. Urikozurici u liječenju kroničnog uričkog artritisa s posebnim osvrtom na Benemid (eng
Uricosurics in the Treatment of Chronic Uric Arthritis with Special Reference to Benemid). Ljubljana,
Lek, 1969, 1-24
2. Jajić, I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Ljubljana, Lek, 1971, 1-40
3. Jajić I. Ankilozantni spondilitis (eng Ankylosing Spondylitis). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1978,1–278,
the first monograph on ankylosing spondylitis in Croatian literature
4. Jajić I. Sindrom fibrzitisa (eng Fibrositis syndrome). In: Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija (eng Orthopedics).
Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979,175–181
5. Jajić I. Degenerativne bolesti zglobova i kralježnice (eng Degenerative Diseases of the Joints and
Spine). In: Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija (eng Orthopedics). Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979, 183–189
6. Jajić I. Upalne bolesti kostiju I zglobova (eng Inflammatory Diseases of Bones and Joints). In:
Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija (eng Orthopedics). Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979, 147-174
7. Kovačić S, Durrigl P, Jajić I. Kralježnica I zdjelica (eng Spine and Pelvis). In: Ruszkowski I. Ortopedija
(eng Orthopedics). Zagreb, JUMENA, 1979, 319–388
8. Jajić I. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981 (first
edition), 1-474, the first textbook at the University of Zagreb on rheumatic diseases in Croatian
medical literature
9. Jajić, I. Izvanzglobni reumatizam (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism), Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981, 1-
10. Jajić, I. Degenertivne promjene kralježnice i zglobova (eng Degenerative Changes of the Spine and
Joints). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1981, 1–59
11. Jajić, I. Odabrana poglavlja iz reumatologije (eng Selected Chapters from Rheumatology).
Ljubljana, Lek, 1981, 1–64
12. Jajić, I. Odabrana poglavlja iz lumbalnog bolnog sindroma (eng Selected Chapters from Lumbar
Pain Syndrome). Ljubljana, Lek, 1981, 1–11
13. Jajić, I. Reumatoidni artritis (eng Rheumatoid Arthritis). Ljubljana, Lek, 1981, 1–64
14. Susić Ž, Jajić I. Jogging, Zagreb, Velebit, 1982, 1–16
15. Jajić I. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1982 (second
edition), 1-474, the first textbook at the University of Zagreb on rheumatic diseases in Croatian
medical literature
16. Jajić I. Patofiziološka osnova rane kineziterapije u traumatologiji. Traumatologija u
suvremenoj medicini, kontinuirana postdiplomska nastava na Medicinskom fakultetu u
Zagrebu (eng Pathophysiological Basis of Early Kinesitherapy in Traumatology. Traumatology in
Modern Medicine, Continuous Postgraduate Study at the School of Medicine in Zagreb). Zagreb:
Medicinski fakultet (eng Zagreb: School of Medicine), 1983, 199-205
17. Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1983
(1st edition), 1–151, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
18. Jajić I. et al. Lumbalni bolni sindrom (eng Lumbar Pain Syndrome). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1984,
1–207, the first comprehensive presentation of the public health problem of lower back pain in
Croatian medical literature
19. Jajić I. Metode određivanja antigena HLA u reumatskim bolestima (eng Methods for Determining
HLA Antigen in Rheumatic Diseases). In: Konečni J. Klinička reumatologija (eng Clinical
Rheumatology). Belgrade-Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1984, 94-103
20. Jajić I. Artroza pojedinih zglobova (eng Osteoarthritis of Certain Joints). In: Konečni J. Klinička
reumatologija (eng Clinical Rheumatology). Belgrade-Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1984, 525–533.
21. Jajić I. Infekcijski artritis (eng Infectious Arthritis). In: Konečni J. Klinička reumatologija (eng
Clinical Rheumatology). Belgrade–Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1984, 475–492
22. Jajić I. Pirprofen in patients with diabetes mellitus receiving glibenclamide or chlorpropamide. In:
Pirprofen - an update (editor: Nassonova VA), Bern-Stuttgart-Vienna: Hans Huber Publishers
1984; 40-46
23. Jajić I. Rehabilitacijski postupak u bolesnika s povredom kuka. Traumatologija u suvremenoj
medicini. Kontinuirana postdiplomska nastava na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (eng
Rehabilitation Procedure in Patients with Hip Injury. Traumatology in Modern Medicine.
Continuing Postgraduate Study at the School of Medicine in Zagreb). Zagreb, 1984; 47-51
24. Jajić, I (ed.). Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of Rheumatologists of Yugoslavia, Zagreb 1984, 1-
25. Jajić I, Jajić Ivanka. RETA, Zagreb, Vjesnik, 1984, 1–58
26. Jajić, I, (ed.). Proceedings of the Second Yugoslav-Greek Meeting of Rheumatology, Zagreb, 1985,
27. Jajić I. Reumatizam. Epidemiologija reumatskih bolesti (eng Rheumatism. Epidemiology of
Rheumatic Diseases). Medical Encyclopedia, second supplementary volume, Lexicographic
Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1986; 571-572
28. Jajić I. Reumatizam. Antigeni sustava HLA kod reumatskih bolesti (eng Rheumatism. HLA system
Antigens in Rheumatic Diseases). Medical Encyclopedia, second supplementary volume,
Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1986; 572-573
29. Jajić I. Elektroterpija. Transkutana električna živčana stimulacija (eng Electrotherapy.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). Medical Encyclopedia, second supplementary
volume, Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1986; 151
30. Jajić, I, (ed.). Proceedings of the First Yugoslav-Polish Meeting of Rheumatology, Varaždinske
toplice, 1987, 1–181
31. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Belgrade-Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1988, 1-
32. Dubravica M, Jajić I, Marčić A. EMG Biofeedback kao tehnika mišićne relaksacije bolesnika s
lezijom nervusa facijalisa (eng EMG Biofeedback as a Technique of Muscle Relaxation in Patients
with Lesions of the Facial Nerve). In: Jušić A, ed. Novosti u neuromuskularnim bolestima i
elektromioneurografiji (eng New Discoveries in Neuromuscular Diseases and
Electromyoneurography). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1989; 302-304
33. Jajić I, Dürrigl T, Domljan Z, Pučar I, Taseski B, Kaštelan M, Medanić M. Reumatoidni
artritis u djece i odraslih, Sjögren i Feltyjev sindrom i seronegativni artritisi (eng Rheumatoid
Arthritis in Children and Adults, Sjögren and Felty Syndrome and Seronegative Arthritis). In:
Dekaris D, Čulo F, et al. Klinička imunologija u nas (eng Clinical Immunology in Our Country).
Zagreb, JAZU, 1990; 349-362
34. Jajić I, Ivanišević G (eds.). Proceedings of the 18th European Osteoarthrology Symposium
European League against Rheumatism (ESOA) Dubrovnik, 1990. Periodicum Biologorum 1990; 92
(Supp1): 1-104
35. Jajić I, Ivanišević G (eds.). Proceedings of the First European Conference on the Epidemiology of
Rheumatic Diseases European League against Rheumatism, Dubrovnik, 1990. Periodicum
Biologorum 1990; 92 (Supp2): 1-56
36. Jajić I. Specijalna fizikalna medicina (eng Special Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 2nd
revised edition, 1991, 1-236
37. Jajić I, Unušić J. Jajić I, Unušić J. Liječenje i rehabilitacija ratnih ozljeda perifernih živaca (eng
Treatment and Rehabilitation of War Injuries of Peripheral Nerves). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada,
1992, 1–61, Medicinska naklada, 1992, 1–61, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
38. Jajić I. Kinesitherapy in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. In: Balint G. et al, editors.
Rheumatology, State of the Art. Budapest, Elsevier 1992: 393-396
39. Jajić I. Novosti u dijagnostici reumatskih bolesti (eng New Discoveries in the Diagnosis of
Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, School of Medicine in Zagreb, 1993, 1–135
40. Jajić I. Fizijtrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric-Rheumatological Propaedeutics). 1st
edition, Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 1994,1-242, the first such book in Croatian medical
41. Jajić I. Reumatologija (eng Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1995, 1-685, the first
comprehensive monograph on rheumatic diseases in Croatian medical literature
42. Jajić I. Najčešće reumatske bolesti u populaciji (eng The Most Common Rheumatic Diseases).
Zagreb, School of Medicine in Zagreb, 1995,1–50
43. Jajić I. Novo u terapiji reumatskih bolesti (eng New Discoveries in the Treatment of Rheumatic
Diseases). Zagreb, School of Medicine in Zagreb, 1995, 1–141
44. Jajić I. et al. Fizikalna medicina (eng Physical Medicine). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1–386,
textbook at the University of Zagreb
45. Jajić I, Jajić Z, Jajić Ines. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološki rječnik (eng Physiatric and Rheumatological
Dictionary). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1996, 1–192
46. Jajić, I. et al. Spomenica Klinike za fizikalnu medicinu, rehabilitaciju i reumatologiju, Medicinskog
fakulteta u Zagrebu KB Sestre milosrdnice (eng Memorial of the Department for Rheumatology,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Sestre
Milosrdnice University Hospital). Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Klinička bolnica
„Sestre milosrdnice“ (eng School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and Sestre Milosrdnice
University Hospital), Zagreb, 1996, 1–176
47. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatske bolesti: fizikalna terapija i rehabilitacija (eng Rheumatic Diseases:
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997, 1–243
48. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Sindrom hipertrofične osteoartropatije (eng Syndrome of Hypertrophic
Osteoarthropathy). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1997,1–169, the first such book in Croatian
medical literature
49. Jajić I, Jajić Z (eds.). Proceedings of the Second Congress of the Croatian Rheumatological Society,
Opatija, 1997. Reumatizam 1997; 45 (Supplement): 1–190
50. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Prevencija križobolje i vratobolje (eng Prevention of Lower Back Pain and Neck
Pain). Zagreb, Medicinska knjiga, 1998, 1–143
51. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Reumatologija u praksi (eng Rheumatology in Practice). Zagreb, Sestre milosrdnice
University Hospital Centre, 1999, 1-237
52. Jajić Z, Jajić I. Zaštita zglobova reumatskih bolesnika (eng Joint Protection of Rheumatic Patients).
Zagreb, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, 1999,1-244
53. Jajić I et al. Fizikalna medicina i opća rehabilitacija (eng Physical Medicine and General
Rehabilitation). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000,1-428, textbook at the University of Zagreb
54. Jajić I, Jajić, Z. Primjena lokalnih injekcija u reumatskim bolestima (eng Application of Local
Injections in Rheumatic Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2000, 1–88, the first such book in
Croatian medical literature
55. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Rentgenska dijagnostika reumatskih bolesti (eng X-ray Diagnostics of Rheumatic
Diseases). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2001, 1–231, the first such book in Croatian medical
56. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Algodistrofični sindrom (eng Algodystrophic Syndrome). Zagreb, Medicinska
naklada, 2003, 1–120, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
57. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Polimijalgija reumatika i arteritis divovskih stanica (eng Polymyalgia Rheumatica
and Arteritis of Giant Cells). Zagreb, Alfej, 2003, 1–136, the first such book in Croatian medical
58. Jajić I et al. Kronična zdjelična bol u žena (eng Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women). Zagreb, Medicinska
naklada, 2004, 1–166, the first such book in Croatian medical literature
59. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Fizijatrijsko-reumatološka propedeutika (eng Physiatric and Rheumatological
Propaedeutics). 2nd revised edition, Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2004, 1–326
60. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Izvanzglobni reumatizam i srodna stanja (eng Extraarticular Rheumatism and
Related Conditions), Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2005, 1-235, the first such book in Croatian
medical literature
61. Jajić I, Jajić Z. Razvoj reumatologije tijekom dva tisućljeća (eng The Development of Rheumatology
through Two Millennia). Zagreb, Birotisak, 2008, 1–459, the first monograph dedicated to the
development of rheumatology on a global scale in Croatian literature, published in Croatian
62. Jajić I, Jajić Z. The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millenia. Birotisak, Zagreb, 2008,
1–451, a monograph dedicated to the development of rheumatology as a profession on a global
scale, published in English
63. Jajić I, Jajić Z. et al. Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina: osnove i liječenje (eng Physical and
Rehabilitation Medicine: Basics and Treatment). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2008, 1-480
64. Jajić I. Život s reumatologijom (eng Life with Rheumatology). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada, 2009, 1-