Education, training in rheumatology and professional development
After finishing primary education in Split, Professor Ivo Jajić began his secondary education in Zagreb in 1948 and graduated from the Secondary Medical School for Physical Medicine and Radiology in Zagreb in 1951.
At the Secondary Medical School he encountered the work of Professor J. Budak, the founder of that school and then the Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rheumatology at the Sestre Milosrdnice Hospital in Zagreb, who influenced his choice of further education.
His interest in the field of art photography, which he developed before graduation, led him to collaborate and set up an independent joint exhibition with physician A. Starzyk, who later became head of the Department for Orthopedics at the School of Medicine in Zagreb.
He enrolled at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb in 1954, received the diploma of a doctor of general medicine in June 1960, sixth in his generation, and showed interest in acquiring new knowledge during his studies and conducted professional student internship in Cologne. After completing his medical internship at the Virovitica Medical Center, he worked at the same Medical Center in the General Medical Service until 1962.
He began his residency in Physical medicine and Rehabilitation in 1962 at the Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases and Rehabilitation “Splitske toplice” and continued it in Zagreb with the desire to focus on rheumatology, a new branch of medicine that did not exist in our country at that time and was part of physical medicine and rehabilitation or balneoclimatology. He completed his specialisation in June 1965 and passed the specialist exam in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation before the examination commission chaired by Professor J. Budak. With his great interest in rheumatology, which at that time was just beginning to develop and for which there was no organized education, his great enthusiasm and self-teaching by finding literature that was rare at the time, he began international education in the world’s leading rheumatic centres. He thus began many years of successful international cooperation, spreading his knowledge of rheumatology and bringing it to his homeland and developing rheumatology in our country.
From 1965 to 1968, he was employed at the Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases and Rehabilitation “Splitske toplice”, and from 1968 to 1972, he was the Head of the Department for Clinical Trials of the pharmaceutical company Lek in Ljubljana.
From 1972 to 1985, he was the Head of the Ward for Rheumatic Diseases and Rehabilitation at the Department for Orthopedics of the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, where he was provided great support by the head of the Department, academician I. Ruszkowski, in clinical, organizational, and research work, as well as in further education in rheumatology.
At the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, he received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in Rheumatology in 1972 after defending his doctoral dissertation entitled “Extravertebral changes in ankylosing spondylitis with special regard to the course and prognosis of the disease”, thus becoming the second physician in Croatia with such a title in rheumatology.

He conducted his first extensive training in rheumatology lasting three months in 1972 at Westminster Hospital in London in the Department of Rheumatic Diseases with the leading rheumatologist Professor D. Hart. In 1973, the Swedish Institute in Stockholm awarded him a scholarship of six months for education in rheumatology at the more prestigious Department for Rheumatology of the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm with professor prof. B. Olhagen. He then conducted numerous professional and scientific trainings in eminent world rheumatology departments and centres where he learned the work of leading rheumatologists, gained modern knowledge in rheumatology, and met residents in rheumatology from around the world with whom he established friendships and kept in touch throughout his life:
• Department of Rheumatic Diseases, Westminster Hospital, London (Prof. D. Hart, 1972 and 1976)
• Department for Rheumatology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm (Prof. B. Olhagen, 1974)
• Rheumatic Diseases Hospital, Heinola (Prof. P. Mäkisara, 1975)
• Institute of Rheumatic Diseases, Prague (Prof. F. Lenoch, 1964)
• Institute for Research in Rheumatology, Pieštany (1964)
• Institute of Rheumatic Diseases, Budapest (1964)
• Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Riga (1969)
• Institute of Rheumatic Diseases, Warsaw (Prof. E. Maldyk, 1978)
• Rheumatic Diseases Epidemiology Unit, Manchester (Prof. A. Silman, 1981)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases, Guy's Hospital, London (Prof. R. Grahame, 1981 and 1989)
• Institute of Rheumatism, Moscow (Prof. A.I. Nesterov, Prof. V.A. Nasonova, 1981)
• Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Vilnius (1981)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases, Glasgow (Prof. R. Sturrock, 1986)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases and Biomedical Research, Leeds (Prof. V. Wright, 1986)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases, Middlesex Hospital, London (1989)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases, Hospital Cochin, Paris (Prof. B. Amor, 1990)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases, Bucharest (Prof. S. Sutianu)
• Department for Rheumatic Diseases, Oslo (Prof. E. Kassa)
• Medical Centre, Bethesda, Maryland (Prof. H. Engleman and Prof. Decker).
Professor Ivo Jajić at the Department for Orthopedics of the Zagreb School of Medicine, 1983.
University of Zagreb School of Medicine – his achievements
He established (1987) a new teaching base of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine: Department for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation of Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, whose Head he remains until his retirement in 2001.
As the Head of the Department for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine of Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, he made a significant step forward in rheumatology and physical medicine. At the Department, he also founded (1999) and directed the Reference Centre for Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, the only such centre ever in Croatia (for more details see Head of the Department).
He founded (1988) and was the Head of the Postgraduate Specialist Study Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (until his retirement in 2001) at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, the only such specialist study in Croatia.
He attached great importance to the education of residents. Recognizing the need for organized teaching during specialization, he initiated the establishment of Postgraduate Specialist Study Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb in 1988. This initiative was accepted at the School, upon which he was appointed head of the study and was the leader of several courses as well as a lecturer. The aim of the study was to ensure that residents systematically acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and achievements in the field of physical medicine, rheumatology, and rehabilitation. This was the only such specialist study in Croatia. In the academic year 1988/1989, the first Postgraduate Specialist Study of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb was conducted at the Department whose Head was Professor Ivo Jajić. The Study program was published in: Jajić I. et al. Memorial of the Department for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Rheumatology of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb of Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, 1996, and in: Beritić Stahuljak D. (ed.) Postgraduate Professional Studies. University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, 1996. A significant place in the program was occupied by a compulsory course called Rheumatic Diseases, which was led by Professor Ivo Jajić, along with other courses.
Full professor in a permanent position in cumulative employment and Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine
In 1972 at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, he was promoted to Doctor of Medical Sciences in Rheumatology after defending his doctoral dissertation entitled “Extravertebral changes in ankylosing spondylitis with special regard to the course and prognosis of the disease”, becoming the second physician in Croatia with such a title in rheumatology.
He habilitated at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb and was awarded the title of assistant professor in 1975. In December 1976, he was elected associate professor. In 1981, he was elected at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb and awarded the title of full professor in the role of an adjunct professor, and in 1987 he became a full professor in cumulative employment. In 1992, he was appointed tenured professor in cumulative employment at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb.
With his continuous and exceptional professional, scientific, writing, and teaching work, as well as his inexhaustible energy, especially in the field of education of physicians in specialization and subspecialisation, he significantly contributed to the success of the School and the Department, becoming one of the most fruitful authors and teachers. He was the Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation at the School of Medicine, the University of Zagreb from 1996 to 1998.
He was a mentor for numerous master’s (19) and doctoral theses in medical sciences (12) at the School of Medicine in Zagreb. The list of defended doctoral and master’s theses is available in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI).
In the work of the School and the Department, he supported the importance of expertise and qualification of physiotherapists by teaching for many years with a large teaching load at the College of Physiotherapists in Zagreb.
Leader of numerous courses for continuous education for rheumatologists and specialists in physical medicine organized by the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb and professional societies of the Croatian Medical Association.
Emphasizing the great importance of continuing education of specialists and subspecialists, he was the leader and lecturer on numerous continuing education courses for rheumatologists, specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation, general practitioners, and physicians of other related professions organized by the School of Medicine in Zagreb and professional societies of the Croatian Medical Association: Croatian Society for Rheumatology, Croatian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, etc. Those courses were well attended and always received praise.

Professor Ivo Jajić and participants of the 2nd Course on Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases, Zagreb School of Medicine, 1985.
Head of the Department for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Zagreb University School of Medicine of Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, who implemented professional, scientific and educational aspects of rheumatology on a global scale and awarded the prestigious title of Reference Centre for Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia
He was the Head of the Department for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation of the Zagreb University School of Medicine of Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre (from 1985 to his retirement in 2001), where he founded a new teaching base of the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb (1987) and founded and directed the Reference Centre for Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia (the only such centre ever in Croatia), making a significant step forward in rheumatology and physical medicine.
In August 1985, he was appointed Head of the Department for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Clinical Hospital “Dr. M. Stojanović” (today the Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre), then School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb. Already in September 1985, Professor Ivo Jajić initiates the establishment of a new teaching base of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine in the Department, he submits a proposal for the establishment of a new teaching base of the School of Medicine at the Department and addition the title - Department of the School of Medicine in Zagreb. This proposal was accepted by the Department of Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation of the Zagreb School of Medicine in October 1985. In 1987, the School of Medicine in Zagreb passes a decision by which the Department for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Rheumatology of the Clinical Hospital “Dr. M. Stojanović” (today the Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre) is given the title - Department of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb.
At the suggestion of Professor Ivo Jajić in 1986, the name of the Department was changed into the Department for Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Rheumatology. His second proposal on the change of the name of the Department was also adopted and in 1998, the Department changed its name to the Department for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine.
At the Department, the new teaching base of the School of Medicine in Zagreb, Professor Ivo Jajić conducted continuous education of students of the School of Medicine, physicians subspecializing in rheumatology and physicians specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation, for which many generations are immensely grateful.
Through his teaching work, he significantly contributed to the breakthroughs in the medical profession of rheumatology and physical medicine by selflessly passing his acquired knowledge in numerous eminent rheumatology centres in Europe and the world, as well as his experience gained in fruitful and successful international professional cooperation to the young generations. Thus, he approached rheumatology and physical medicine by recognizing the need for education in these fields of medicine.
Professor Ivo Jajić especially emphasized the importance of education in the form of clinical practice at the Department, which he regularly held at the Department several times a week. After his rounds, he held a joint educational meeting of rheumatologists and residents (physicians in subspecialization of rheumatology and physicians in the specialization of physical medicine and rehabilitation) with a presentation of hospitalized patients. At those educational meetings, physicians presented in detail the anamnestic data and clinical examination of patients, then held a thorough discussion of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and analysis of diagnostic processing, which necessarily included analysis of X-rays of the locomotor system, and made decisions on therapeutic procedures. Residents liked to participate in those presentations – educational meetings of Professor Jajić, where they reinforced their theoretical and practical knowledge, and remembered them as the foundation of the education they acquired during their residency.
Through his continuous and fruitful professional, scientific, educational and publishing work at home and abroad, Professor Ivo Jajić created successful international cooperation, contributed to the success of the development of rheumatology in all aspects of the profession in our country, and became a world-renowned rheumatologist.
Concerning his good reputation as an exceptional rheumatologist, he had a very large number of patients not only from all over Croatia but even patients from abroad asked for his assistance.
Finally, with his persistence in the implementation of professional, scientific and educational aspects of rheumatology on a global scale, he achieved to develop Department as the leading rheumatology center in Croatia.
As a result, in 1999, the Department, as the leading rheumatology centre in Croatia, was awarded the prestigious title of Reference Centre for Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, the only such centre ever in Croatia, founded and directed by Professor Ivo Jajić.

Professor Ivo Jajić,
opening of the Second Croatian Rheumatological Congress with international participation, Opatija, 1997.

Fruitful and successfully achieved international cooperation, he becomes a world-renowned rheumatologist
A promotor of Croatia, of the medical professions of rheumatology and physical medicine, and of the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb, becomes a world-renowned rheumatologist (10) in a fruitful and successfully achieved international cooperation through a number of activities:
1. Organizer of a number of international scientific and professional congresses, symposia, conferences and other meetings
Ninth Congress of Rheumatologists of Yugoslavia with international participation, Zagreb, 1984
Second Yugoslav-Greek Rheumatology Meeting, Zagreb, 1985
First Yugoslav-Polish Rheumatology Meeting, Varaždinske Toplice, 1987
Second Polish-Yugoslav Meeting of Rheumatology, Krosno, Poland, 1987
First European Conference on Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases, Dubrovnik, 1990
Eighteenth European Osteoarthrology Symposium, Dubrovnik, 1990
First Hungarian-Yugoslav Rheumatology Symposium, Szeged, 1990
First Hypertrophic Osteoarthropatic Symposium, Florence, 1992
Congress of Rheumatologists of the Mediterranean Countries, Cavtat, 1992, cancelled due to the
Homeland War
Hypertrophic Osteoartropathic Symposium, Amsterdam, 1995
Second Croatian Rheumatology Congress with international participation, Opatija, 1997 and others.
2. Participation in international and national scientific and professional congresses, symposia, and important meetings in the field of rheumatology in which he was a regularly active participant or invited lecturer
Thus, visiting more than 45 countries on all continents (from Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Egypt, the Philippines, USA, Hong Kong, Georgia, Mexico, Paraguay, Tunisia, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Israel, and most European states). Actively participated in more than 200 meetings around the world, most often in Great Britain at the meetings of the British Society of Rheumatology, of which he was a member. He was an invited lecturer of the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR).
3. Participation in major international scientific projects in rheumatology, in which he was the principal researcher for Croatia. He was the principal investigator in a series of international pharmacological studies in rheumatic diseases
International scientific projects in which he was the principal researcher for Croatia:
European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (EVOS), 1990–1998
Characteristics and Epidemiology of Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy, 1991-1996
European Prospective Osteoporosis Study (EPOS), 1998–2001
European genetics and immunogenetics familial study of ankylosing spondylitis and other spondyloarthropathies (EUROAS), 1999-2001
He was the principal investigator in international pharmacological research in rheumatic diseases:
Efficacy and safety of Leflunomide in the treatment of patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis, 1989-1990 and 1991-1993
Double blind, randomised, comparison of dex and racemic ketoprofen in short term treatment of seronegative spondyloarthritides in acute phase, 1997
Long term evaluation of the efficacy and safety of dex-ketoprofen in the maintenance treatment of seronegative spondyloarthritides, 1998
A multinational, multicentre, randomised study on the safety and efficacy of Amtolmetin quacyl in comparison with Celecoxib in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2001
4. Membership in numerous most prestigious international associations and organizations
Full member of the British Society of Rheumatology since 1983
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of the Czech Republic, 1985
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of Slovakia, 1986
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of Hungary, 1986
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of Bulgaria, 1989
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of Germany, 1990
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of Russia, 1991
Honorary member of the Rheumatological Society of Poland, 1992
Regular member of the organizing committee of several Congresses of Rheumatologists of
Mediterranean Countries
Member of the European Society of Osteoarthrology (ESOA)
Member of the International Board of the Mediterranean of Rheumatology
Member of the International League against Rheumatism (ILAR)
Member of the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association (IRMA)
Member of EULAR - Standing Committee on the Epidemiology of Rheumatic Diseases
Member of the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR)
Member of EULAR - Standing Committee on Investigative Rheumatology
Member of the British Osteoporosis Society
Member of the Osteoarthritis Research Society (OARS)
Member of the Mediterranean Committee on Behçet’s Disease
Member of the Mediterranean Tri-continental Medical Association
Member of the European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (EVOS) Group, 1990–1998
Member of the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study (EPOS) Group, 1998–2001
5. Member of editorial boards of international journals:
Clinical Rheumatology (Pellenberg, Belgium), New European Rheumatology (Budapest, Hungary), Acta Clinica Croatica (Zagreb).
6. Hosting internationally recognized experts/professors:
Professor Heljo Julkunen, Helsinki, Finland (1984); Professor Urbanek Tibor, Institute for Rheumatic Diseases Research, Pieštany, Slovakia; Professor A. Alander, University Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden; and Professor Rodney Grahame, Rheumatic Diseases Clinic, Guy’s Hospital, London (1990).
7. International awards and acknowledgements
• He received special international recognition in the field of rheumatology by being included in the book on the world’s most famous clinicians and scientists who contributed to the research of ankylosing spondylitis entitled “Ankylosing Spondylitis” by the leading rheumatologist Professor J.M.H. Moll from the Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, Sheffield, England, published in 1987. In an overview of significant contributors, Croatian rheumatologist Professor Ivo Jajić was included together with the greats of rheumatology: V.M. Bechterew, P. Marie, A. Strumple, J.L. Albert, B. Ansell, G. de Baillou, J. Ball, H. Behcet, Sir B. Brodie, E.G. Bywaters, B. Crohn, H. Fagge
• Nominated for the President of the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR) for the period 1991–1993
8. Published book
Professor Ivo Jajić's successful international collaboration produced a book in English published by Birotisak in Zagreb in 2008, entitled The Development of Rheumatology through Two Millenia, which presents the development of rheumatology in the world from its beginnings to 2000.
9. Citation of works by Professor Ivo Jajić in international books/textbooks
Professor Ivo Jajić’s contribution to the development of rheumatology through his publishing work is indicated by more than 40 citations in foreign books/textbooks published until 2001 (see under Publications)

Head Professor Ivo Jajić
at the Clinic for Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb KB "Sestre milosrdnice", 2001.
Ivo Jajić, portrait done by JMH Moll, professor and academic painter and included in his book Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Founder and President of the Croatian League against Rheumatism
Founder (1992) and President of the Croatian League against Rheumatism (until his retirement in 2001), founder and Editor-in-chief of the journal Reumatičar – the journal of the Croatian League against Rheumatism (1989), initiator of publishing and author of numerous handbooks for patients published by the Croatian League against Rheumatism.
Focusing much of his work on the field of patient education and emphasizing it as an indispensable factor in the success of treatment of rheumatic patients, he founded the Croatian Rheumatic Patients Society in Zagreb in 1982, which under his leadership grew into the Croatian League against Rheumatism in 1992. He remained its president until his retirement in 2001 and then continued as its honorary president.
He is the founder (1989) of the journal Reumatičar (later Reuma) – the journal of the Croatian League against Rheumatism intended for patients. He was the editor-in-chief of the journal for many years.
He was the initiator of publishing and author of numerous handbooks of the Croatian League against Rheumatism on rheumatic diseases intended for patients. He published more than 40 handbooks, some of which were published in several editions, such as: Jajić, I. Reumatske bolesti s vježbama za reumatičare (eng Rheumatic Diseases with Exercises for Rheumatic patients), Medicinska knjiga, 1978, 1–192; 2nd ed. 1983; 3rd ed. 1986; 4th ed. 1989; and 5th ed. 1990.
A list of his manuals of the Croatian League against Rheumatism on rheumatic diseases intended for patients is available in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI) and can also be seen under Publications.
Founder of the Registry for Rheumatic Diseases in Croatia (1980)
Encouraged by some of the few European countries that already had a register for rheumatic diseases, and given the fact that at that time he was elected president of the Association of Rheumatologists of Yugoslavia and was a member of the Epidemiological Society of the European League for Rheumatism (EULAR), in January 1980 he organized the Register for Rheumatic Diseases of the Republic of Croatia, which then began its work within the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Croatia.
Editor-in-chief of the journal Reumatizam (eng Rheumatism), 1991–1998
Professor Ivo Jajić’s significant contributions include his role of a long-time editor-in-chief of Reumatizam (Rheumatism), the journal of the Croatian Rheumatological Society of the Croatian Medical Association.
Founder (1989) of the journal Reumatičar (later Reuma) in 1989, and its long-time editor-in-chief
In 1989, he founded Reumatičar (later Reuma) - the journal of the Croatian League against Rheumatism intended for patients. He was its long-time editor-in-chief
Founder of the journal Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija (eng Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) in 1984, and its long-time editor-in-chief
Realizing the need to establish a journal for the medical profession of physical medicine and rehabilitation in Croatia, for which there was no journal at the time, in 1984 he founded and published the first Croatian journal called Fizikalna medicina i rehabilitacija and was its long-time editor-in-chief.
Membership in the editorial boards of journals
He was a member of the editorial board of the journals Clinical Rheumatology (Pellenberg, Belgium), New European Rheumatology (Budapest, Hungary), Acta Clinica Croatica (Zagreb, Croatia), Kinesiology (Zagreb, Croatia), and Defectology (Zagreb, Croatia).
Scientific research work
His scientific research work was continuous throughout his lifetime: he was the head of scientific projects of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia, participated in major international scientific projects, and was the principal researcher in a series of Croatian and international scientific projects and pharmacological studies in rheumatology. His wide scientific research interest was especially related to epidemiology, immunogenetics, treatment, and radiological features of rheumatic diseases.
Head of scientific projects of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia:
Gene and antigen histocompatibility (HLA) testing, their role in the etiopathogenesis of connective tissue diseases and other diseases, 1982
Prevalence and prevention of rheumatic diseases and rheumatic disorders in railway transportation workers, 1982
Risk and precipitating factors in the etiopathogenesis of vertebral and vertebrogenic syndromes of the active population and preventive rehabilitation in industry, 1986
Etiology and immunogenetics of rheumatic diseases, 1986
Analysis of risk factors and prevention of the most common rheumatic symptoms and diseases, 1989
International scientific projects in which he was the principal researcher for Croatia:
European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (EVOS), 1990–1998
Characteristics and Epidemiology of Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy, 1991-1996
European Prospective Osteoporosis Study (EPOS), 1998–2001
European genetics and immunogenetics familial study of ankylosing spondylitis and other spondylarthropathies (EUROAS), 1999-2001
Principal investigator in international pharmacological research in rheumatic diseases:
Efficacy and safety of Leflunomide in the treatment of patients with severe rheumatoid
arthritis, 1989-1990 and 1991-1993
Double blind, randomised, comparison of dex and racemic ketoprofen in short term treatment of seronegative spondyloarthritides in acute phase, 1997
Long term evaluation of the efficacy and safety dex-ketoprofen in the maintenance treatment of seronegative spondyloarthritides, 1998
A multinational, multicentre, randomised study on safety and efficacy of Amtolmetin quacyl in comparison with Celecoxib in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2001
He published the first studies of histocompatibility antigens in rheumatic diseases (12), which are still cited today:
Jajić I, Kaštelan A, Brkljačić Lj, Kerhin-Brkljačić V, Čečuk Lj. Histocompatibility Antigens in Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Rheumatism 1975; (22) 43-50
Jajić I, Kaštelan A, Brnobić A, Kerhin V, Brkljačić Lj. HLA Antigens in Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis. Arch Derm 1977; 113 (12): 1724
He described radiological changes in the sacroiliac joints and spine in patients with psoriatic arthritis, in 1968, which is considered one of the first contributions to this clinical problem (12), and the paper is still cited today:
Jajić I. Radiological Changes in the Sacro-iliac Joints and Spine of Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis. Ann Rheum Dis 1968; 27: 1-6.
The results of this paper were also cited and published by eminent rheumatologists Wright V. and Moll J.M.H. in the 1976 textbook Seronegative Polyarthritis, published by North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford (pp. 37, 75, 206, 221).
Professor Ivo Jajić’s scientific research interest in hypertrophic osteoarthropathy led to fruitful international cooperation. He organized two international symposia: the First Hypertrophic Osteoarthropatic Symposium (1992) and the Hypertrophic Osteoarthropatic Symposium (1995), at which consensus of the international profession on definitions, characteristics, classification, and diagnostic criteria of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy were established and published. He also described the epidemiology and hitherto unknown radiological changes in flat bones in patients with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Those papers are still cited today:
Matucci-Cerinić M, Lotti T, Jajić I, et al. The clinical spectrum of pachydermoperiostosis (primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy). Medicine 1991; 70 (3):208
Martinez-Lavin M, Matucci-Cerinić M, Jajić I, osteoarthropathy: Consensus on its definition,classification, assessment and diagnostic criteria. J Rheumatol 1993; 20:1386
Jajić I.Epidemiology of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clin Exp Rheumat 1992;10(Suppl 7):13
Jajić Z, Jajić I. Radiological changes of short and flat bone in primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Ann Rheum Dis 1998; 57:747
Jajić Z, Jajić I, Nemčić T. Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy: Clinical,Radiological and Scintigraphic Characteristics. Archives of Medical Research 2001;32:136
Jajić I, Jajić Z, Grazio S. Minor but important symptoms and signs in primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2001;3:357
His own discoveries in rheumatology
He described a number of his own discoveries in rheumatology: clinical tests, clinical and radiological signs od rheumatic diseases, immunological features of rheumatic diseases, and thus contributed to a better understanding and improvement of rheumatology.
Described clinical tests in rheumatology:
Jajić’s Heel-Knee Test in the Diagnosis of Sacroiliitis (J Clin Rheumatol 1999; 6: 375)
False Positive Mennell Test in the Diagnosis of Developmental Anomalies of the Lower Lumbar Spine (J Orthop Med 1998; 20 (2): 21)
Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head Syndrome-Lower Back (Rheumatism 1979; 26: 108)
Described clinical signs of rheumatic diseases:
Diastasis of the Muscles of the Rectus Abdominis in Ankylosing Spondylitis (J Orthop Med 1999; 31 (2): 70)
Voluminous Hand in Psoriatic Arthritis and Algodystrophic Syndrome (J Orthop Med 2000; 22(2): 50)
Blue Skin of the Affected Joint in Psoriatic Arthritis (Magyar Reumatol 2000; 41: 93)
Umbilical Extrusion in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (Scand J Rheumatol 1998; 27: 388)
Described radiological signs of rheumatic diseases:
Characteristics of Radiological Changes in the Sacro-iliac Joints and Spine of Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis (Ann Rheum Dis 1968; 27: 1)
Classification of Radiological Changes on the Symphysis in Ankylosing Spondylitis (Acta Radiologica 2000; 41: 307)
Classification of Radiological Changes on Tuber Ossis Ischii in Ankylosing Spondylitis (Rheumatologia 2000; 14: 61)
Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head in Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy (Clin Exp Rheumatol 1992; 10 (Suppl 7): 74)
Periostosis on Flat Bones in Primary Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy (Ann Rheum Dis 1998; 57: 747)
Detection of Preosteoarthropatic Condition of the Knee Joint in Professional Drivers with 99m Tc-Polyphosphate (Acta med Iug 1976; 30: 295)
Deposits of Urates in the Sacroiliac Joint in Patients with Gout: Radiological Manifestations (Skeletal Radiology 1982; 8: 209)
Deposition of Homogentisic Acid in Long Bones with Diaphyseal Lytic Changes in a Patient with Ochronosis (Acta clinica Croatica 2000; 39: 117)
Described immunological characteristics of rheumatic diseases:
Antigen HLA-B13, HLA-B17 and HLA-B27 in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis (Arch Dermatol 1977; 113 (12): 1724)
Occurrence of Ankylosing Spondylitis without Antigen HLA-B27 (Brit J Rheumatol 1983; 2: 136)
As a Feature of Mediterranean Countries, the HLA-DR1 Antigen is Present in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Brit Rheumatol 1988;2:135)
The HLA-B27 Antigen is Present in 22% of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (Acta med Iug 1991; 45: 195)
Other roles:
President of the Rheumatology Section of the Croatian Medical Association, 1977-1985
President and Vice President of the Association of Rheumatologists of Yugoslavia, 1982-1986
Initiator of the establishment and President of the Vertebrology Section of the Croatian Medical Association, 1986-1989
President of the Croatian Rheumatological Society of the Croatian Medical Association, 1996-1998
Memberships in domestic associations and organizations:
Full member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences (AMZH) since 1982
Honorary member of the Croatian Medical Association
Honorary member of the Croatian Rheumatological Society
Awards and acknwledgements
Award of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for scientific work “Ruđer Bošković”, 1987
Award of the Croatian Medical Association “L. Rakovac”, 1993
Award of the City of Zagreb, 2000
Special international acknowledgement of the rheumatological profession: he is included in the book of the most famous clinician and scientists of the world for contributing to the study of ankylosing spondylitis entitled “Ankylosing Spondylitis” by the leading rheumatologist Professor J.M.H. Moll from the Centre for Rheumatic diseases, Sheffield, England, published in 1987
Numerous diplomas and acknowledgements of about 40 most prestigious international and domestic scientific and professional asociations and organizations, 1964–2001
The harmonious family life of professor Ivo Jajić is connected with his wife, physician Ivanka Jajić (née Devčić), whom he married in 1959 and with her great support achieved all his professional successes in career. She graduated from the Zagreb University School of Medicine, specialized in School Medicine and as the Head of the Bačvice School Dispensary Department of Split Health Center, based on Andrija Štampar’s decision, who held the dean’s position of Zagreb School of Medicine at the time, she was elected team leader for organising school medicine service in Dalmatia, which she did not accept due to her family priorities. In their harmonious private life they both enjoyed in music, art, sport and gardening. Therefore, she was awarded for the prettiest garden in the city of Zagreb for several years in a row. During the Homeland War, although retired, she was actively involved in organisational and humanitarian work.
Professor Ivo Jajić was proud of his two daughters, both of whom, continuing the family tradition, enrolled at the School of Medicine in Zagreb and graduated in 1985 and 1986. The older daughter, Zrinka, specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation, continued her education in rheumatology and clinical immunology, became a subspecialist in rheumatology, defended her doctoral thesis, and became a full professor and head of the postgraduate specialist study of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. The younger daughter, Ines, has completed a specialization in microbiology, defended her doctoral thesis, and is the head of the Department of Microbiology at Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre. He was the grandfather of two grandsons, Ivan and Tomislav, and a granddaughter, Ana.